What Does it Take to "Scale Up"?

By The Entrepreneurs Forum of Greater Philadelphia (other events)

Tuesday, September 8 2015 5:30 PM 8:00 PM EST

Scaling your company requires a much different mode of operation than starting up does.  Only 4% of companies make it to a million in revenue and only 4% of that group make it to $10M.  The challenges are significant and success requires a disciplined and planned approach.  Which leads us to ask “How are you”:

- Attracting and retaining the right team that will get you to the next level?

- Holding people accountable and keeping everyone on the same page?

- Staying ahead of the competition?

- Managing your cash flow and your profitability?

- Getting the time to work on your business, not just in it?

Learn from our panel of CEO’s who are successfully navigating the growth curve.  CEO’s from businesses ranging from $2M to $50M will share what they’ve learned along the way as well as the tools and best practices that they’ve found to be most critical to overcoming the challenges and obstacles that scaling up creates.

As a bonus, the first 20 people to purchase tickets will receive a free copy of Verne Harnish's book, "Scaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don't (Rockefeller Habits 2.0)"

The Entrepreneurs Forum of Greater Philadelphia